BrainBeat Blog

Kids Focus

kids focus

Many parents want to know how to improve their kids' focus. Childhood focus problems are reaching epidemic proportions at school and home.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children." Children with ADHD have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about the result), or being overly active.

Focus issues can interfere with school and home life. Luckily there are many ways to help kids focus. One new approach that tackles the issue head-on is to use BrainBeat. 

Improving Kids' Focus with BrainBeat

BrainBeat is a program that uses video games, music, and precise physical movements to improve focus, concentration, and memory directly.

BrainBeat is unlike any other brain training tool out there in that it is evidence-based. More than simple brain games, BrainBeat engages the motor controls, the brain's visual processing centers, and the brain's internal timing mechanisms, which are critical for proper focus. 

Studies show that the technology in BrainBeat is highly effective. BrainBeat is based on decades-old proven technology clinicians use, called Interactive Metronome.

The Interactive Metronome is a clinical tool used by 40,000 clinicians worldwide to help children improve attention, focus, grades, behaviors, coordination, and more.

Interactive Metronome has been studied by leading institutions in the United States and is used by the top hospitals and clinics worldwide.

Children who complete the BrainBeat at-home program show marked improvements in attention, focus, and the ability to filter out distractions. These improvements lead to better grades, behavior, coordination, and so much more!

16 Natural Ways to Improve Kids' Focus

1. Improve Diet

Feed your child a diet based on whole foods, with plenty of greens. Studies have shown that kids with diets high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to focus better than kids on processed foods.

2. Limit processed foods and lower sugar intake

Processed foods are high in sugar and other additives that interfere with focus and concentration. Sugar is known to cause hyperactivity in children and an inability to focus. 

3. Eliminate food allergens and food sensitivities.

Kids can have sensitivities to foods like gluten, eggs, or dairy that can affect their ability to focus. If you suspect your child may be sensitive to certain foods, talk to a doctor about an elimination diet or testing for food allergies.

4. Improve Sleep to Improve Focus

Make sure kids get plenty of sleep each night – experts recommend 8-10 hours for kids ages 5-12. Getting enough rest is critical for proper brain function and focus.

5. Meditation & Deep Breathing to Improve Focus

Try incorporating some form of mindfulness or meditation practice into your child's routine. Mindfulness helps kids tune in to the present moment and stay focused on what they are doing here and now. You can try many simple practices at home, such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditations designed specifically for kids.

6. Exercise

Exercise has been shown to improve brain function and increase focus. A simple walk around the block or some time spent running, and playing can make a big difference in kids' ability to focus.

7. Brain games & puzzles

Playing games and puzzles is a great way to give kids' brains a workout and help them develop problem-solving skills. Games like chess, Sudoku, and crosswords can all help improve kids' focus.

8. Limit screen time.

Kids are spending too much time in front of screens, leading to a decline in their ability to focus. Limit kids' screen time and encourage them to spend more time engaging with real-world activities like reading, playing outdoors, or socializing with friends.

9. Improve your child's environment by making it calmer and less distracting

Declutter their space, set up a designated study area, and ensure they have all the supplies they need before starting their work. It could also mean lowering the volume and quieting any distracting noises if possible.

10. Give your child a predictable routine

If kids know what to expect each day, it can help them feel more secure and focused. Try to stick to a regular homework, meals, and bedtime schedule.

11. Allow your child to have breaks and naps as needed.

Kids often need to move around to focus correctly. Make sure they have plenty of opportunities to get up and stretch or move their bodies to relax their minds. You may even find your child does well with a scheduled nap.

12. Break down big tasks into smaller doable tasks.

Big projects can be overwhelming for kids. Help them break down their work into smaller, more manageable tasks that they can complete one at a time. Arranging tasks like this helps them feel less overwhelmed and more focused.

13. Limit high concentration and focus periods to 20 minutes at a time.

While kids need to focus and concentrate, too much can hurt their focus in the long run. Help kids learn how to take breaks from their work and engage in low-focus activities like socializing or simply doing something relaxing. These activities help them stay fresh and energized for focused work later on.

14. Give children time to play, relax and enjoy themselves, doing what they love.

Encouraging kids to do what they love and enjoy can help balance their focus and concentration. Whether it's hitting the playground for some time outside, playing a musical instrument, or painting a picture, kids who have time to unwind and relax will find that their focus improves.

15. Reward and praise your child when they focus

Make sure to praise your child when they display good focus and concentration. Praise helps encourage them to continue these positive behaviors. You can also reward them with small incentives, like their favorite treat or extra screen time.

16. Get them to complete one cycle of action at a time

Help your child focus on completing one cycle of action at a time. Avoid telling them to do one thing and then interrupting them and asking them to do another. Where possible, get them to complete one thing at a time. If they lose focus on the current task, help them focus again on the task.


With these natural approaches, kids can learn how to manage their focus and concentration better to succeed in school and beyond.

Adding BrainBeat training into the mix can supercharge their ability to focus. BrainBeat directly strengthens the brain, which helps kids improve their focus. With improved focus, they can achieve greater success in all aspects of life.

Improve Your Kid's Focus with BrainBeat

If you're looking for a way to help your kids focus and improve their attention, concentration, memory, coordination, and more, consider trying BrainBeat.

BrainBeat comes with a money-back guarantee, so why not give it a try?