Meditation, Kids and Better Grades? It May Not Be As Far-Fetched As You Think

“Meditate. Breathe consciously. Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment. Make the connection.” – Oprah Winfrey When Oprah Winfrey touts the benefits of meditation, the practice has truly gone mainstream.   Asking an 8-or 9-year-old to meditate?  That seems like something outside the realm of possibility.   But giving your kids the opportunity to experience the...

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Focus and Self-Control Linked to Future Success

Self-control—the ability to regulate our attention, emotions, and behaviors—emerges in childhood and grows throughout life, but the skill varies widely among individuals.   Studies show that focus and self-control can be linked to future success and that these skills can be learned and improved upon from childhood to adulthood.  Below is...

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