ways to improve emotional regulation in children

How to Improve Emotional Regulation in Children

Good emotional regulation is an essential skill for children to have. It helps them manage their feelings, respond appropriately in different situations, and build healthy relationships. Fortunately, there are several activities that parents can do with their children to help them learn how to regulate emotions better. Let's look at how to...

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Emotional Regulation for Teens & Children

Emotional Regulation for Teens & Children

Are you looking for a way to improve emotional regulation for your child? A child with emotional and behavioral outbursts is challenging to live with. Life is more difficult for them and adds significantly more stress to the family dynamic. The great news is that emotional regulation can be markedly improved by...

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kids focus

Kids Focus

Many parents want to know how to improve their kids' focus. Childhood focus problems are reaching epidemic proportions at school and home.According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children." Children with ADHD have trouble paying...

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How to Help a Child Focus without Medication

How to Help a Child Focus without Medication

Children today are more distracted than ever. They live in the most over-stimulated environment in history, and their brains are struggling to keep up. Screens are everywhere, calling out to children and scrambling their attention and ability to focus. Tablets, phones, games all provide endless entertainment and overstimulate...

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Do ADHD Drugs Really Work?

That’s the real question, isn’t it? Your child has trouble focusing, and you want to help. But are drugs really the answer? There has been an incredible surge in ADHD diagnoses and drug prescriptions in the last decade. In fact, 41% more children ages 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD in...

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Meditation, Kids and Better Grades? It May Not Be As Far-Fetched As You Think

“Meditate. Breathe consciously. Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment. Make the connection.” – Oprah Winfrey When Oprah Winfrey touts the benefits of meditation, the practice has truly gone mainstream.   Asking an 8-or 9-year-old to meditate?  That seems like something outside the realm of possibility.   But giving your kids the opportunity to experience the...

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Focus and Self-Control Linked to Future Success

Self-control—the ability to regulate our attention, emotions, and behaviors—emerges in childhood and grows throughout life, but the skill varies widely among individuals.   Studies show that focus and self-control can be linked to future success and that these skills can be learned and improved upon from childhood to adulthood.  Below is...

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